
Rosemarie Perla —
Professional Certified
Leadership Coach and
Licensed Psychologist

Leadership and Professional Executive Coaching
In my role as an Executive Coach, I see a lot of very talented business owners and leaders who are cracking under the pressure and responsibilities of extremely demanding jobs. They want to make a big impact but are being pulled in every direction, losing themselves within the large system in which they must operate.
The stress of it weighs them down, feeding negative thinking and making it harder for them to keep a bird’s eye view, mental agility, and balance that true leadership requires.

Does that sound familiar?

I believe everyone can grow into the kind of leader who makes people move mountains. A leader who can handle very complex realities, rapid changes, and tough conversations. A leader who can make the most of diverse teams and bridge differences of opinions and personalities into constructive ways forward.


Over and over, I have seen those who excel are the ones who are willing to dig deep into questions of values, legacy, vision, beliefs, and what’s important to them. Why?
Because to be a great leader you must first know who you are, what you stand for, and how you want to contribute. That clarity gives you the abilities to face any situation and bring the best out in others.
POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY: As a licensed psychologist, I have witnessed the transformational power of focusing on what’s great about people, instead of trying to fix what’s wrong with them. Developing a positive mindset helps leaders look ahead, no matter what’s going on, and get everyone to play on their strengths.
THE LEADER & THE SYSTEM: As the former Administrator of a large healthcare system, I learned to manage a complex network of teams, departments, and relationships. I saw firsthand that when there’s a problem in an organization, it is usually a symptom of a bigger issue. Everyone needs to be aware and accountable for the system they are in. As a coach, I help leaders look at themselves in the context of their organization and ask: How can I take responsibility here? How can I contribute to the system while staying true to myself?
THE “EMOTIONAL” WORLD: A lot of coaches are afraid to tackle “emotions” but the truth is, great leaders don’t shut down their emotions; they understand and know how to manage them. My background as a psychologist and therapist allows me to quickly understand where the person is coming from and how emotions affect his/her ability to lead.
CURIOSITY: As an artist, I have learned to look at things from every angle. I help my clients become exceptionally curious about themselves, ask new ques
tions, and embrace new perspectives. Because they can take all the action steps they want but cannot expect different results without a shift in thinking.
By the end of the coaching, my clients:
Know how to observe their thoughts, behaviors, and emotions with more calm, so they can be more intentional about the way they show up to lead.
Look at the big picture, with realism but optimism – without getting caught in unproductive loops that narrow their view and ability to move forward.
Inspire everyone around them to become their own leaders, empowering them to think creatively and contribute in their unique way.
Relationships will improve and the positive effects will ripple through the entire company.
If that’s the kind of leaders your company is looking for, let’s talk!
Contact me at: or 412.571.3081


If that’s the kind of leaders your company is looking for, let’s talk!