This article highlights many lessons learned over the last decade regarding digital technology -- both positive and negative. A good review of how fast technology is growing and, with that,
Many leaders are unaware of how their lack of authenticity chips away at people, breeding dissatisfaction, distrust, and disloyalty. Organizational effectiveness and productivity suffer when workers view leaders as
A great quote in this article by Madeleine Albright: "There is a special place in heaven for women who support other women." The article goes on to specify ways that
Managers who effectively harness their coaching skills reap multiple benefits. Their employees are more committed, willing to put in greater effort and are less likely to leave. Most managers have
Like all maturing adults, leaders progress through sequential developmental levels. At the higher stages, they become more successful. With increased effectiveness, there’s a 38% probability of seeing higher business
We have a lot to learn from research--not only living well, longer -- but happier. So a group of demographers published papers on those areas in the world where people
This HBR article written by Michelle Gielan, Positive Psychology researcher gives a surprising view of Out-Of-Office (OOO) messages. She gives ideas as to how we can use the message to
When I start to work with a client, I ask them to define what their values/virtues and strengths are -- taking the VIA strengths survey helps to determine them.
We all know negative thinking when we hear it, the challenge is managing our own negative thoughts even in the face of hearing the "half empty glass" dialogue of others.
By knowing what our strengths are, we can consciously think of using them when confronted with everyday stress. This simple article offer a free strengths test that was developed by
A Coaching Conversation Checklist for Smart Managers In spite of wide-spread coach training, many managers aren't using coaching skills to grow and develop their people. Instead, they see themselves as
An important adult skill to develop: Understanding your own emotions and how they contribute to your thinking. Our best
This former employee from Microsoft gives some sobering yet essential advice on "when you know it's time to walk away" from a demanding job. Read this Huffington Post article on
Taking time in the midst of a busy work day to breath deeply has been shown to increase awareness, decrease stress and anxiety as well as enhance work performance. To
The current research on leadership describes the importance of Leaders learning mindfulness methods,e.g, deep breathing, visualization, meditation, etc. - basically ways to calm your brain and open up space
Social Scientists at the turn of the 21st century decided to study what makes people thrive, flourish and lead successful lives. The results of these studies have given us some
Richard Davidson is probably the foremost researcher on the effect of meditation on the brain. He has studied Tibetan monks by using EEG's to watch their brains during meditation. He was
Every wondered "What is the best version of myself?" The answer to this is embedded in this article which outline recent research on ways to make your life happier -
How well do you manage yourself at work? How about communicating with co-workers? Are you aware of your emotions enough to understand them before you say what you think? Take
How to engage employees? This article offers proven methods to answer this question...simply Love them.
Walking has been described as a great way to increase creativity, clear the head, improve your sense of well-being. Read how workers who participate in lunch time walks increase their productivity . Makes
101 WAYS TO ENHANCE YOUR LIFE By Lloyd J. Thomas, Ph.D. 1. Get up 15 minutes earlier. 2. Prepare for the morning the night before. 3. Avoid tight fitting clothes..
The Four P's of happiness: Purpose, Perspective, People and Play - Read here as to how you can develop a process to move toward a sense of purpose and
Dr. Martin Seligman is known as the "father of Positive Psychology." In this short video he outlines a powerful exercise called the "Three blessings" or "what I am grateful for
This short video shows in magnificent time lapsed photos the dimensions of what we have to be thankful for... [video_lightbox_youtube video_id="nj2ofrX7jAk" width="640" height="355" anchor=""]
Surprising and worth reading to learn before it's too late...
Simple behaviors that you can do in the work place to increase your effectiveness.
The author of this short, well written blog is Susan David, whom several members of the Perla Group had the opportunity to hear speak at the annual Harvard Coaching in
This article written by one of the major researchers in the science of Positive Psychology states: "Contrary to some beliefs positive psychology is not the science of happiness. It
As Jim Rohn, a respected leader once said, that leaders need to know when "to be strong but not rude; be kind but not weak; be bold but not bully;
“What the world needs now is love, sweet love It's the only thing that there's just too little of What the world needs now is love, sweet love, No, not
[video_lightbox_youtube video_id="HSSrVW_zYK4" width="640" height="390" anchor=""]Research shows that when we can maintain a ratio of 3 (positive emotion) : 1 (negative emotion) in the work place we show up more able
Speaking in a manner that is concise, energetic and clearly communicates ones requests, information and desires is refreshing and important in our information-cluttered age. As one teacher said, “So many
David Burns, MD has contributed many books to our understanding of how our thoughts and feelings can be managed to change our moods. His method for effectively communicating is excellent
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Eleanor Roosevelt We all can understand the concept of personal space, e.g., someone moving too close to us and then
"You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist." -Indira Gandhi This is the title of a workshop that I frequently give when asked to speak to a group of people
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